Be Ready to Graduate


Hello college graduate!!  This topic is just for you. First of all, congrats on all of your hard work during college.  No matter where you are with your plans for a job, we can help you launch your career in a positive and impactful way!  

Here are some easy, inexpensive ways to be prepared for your new career!

  • Get all of your beloved (and maybe not beloved) professor’s contact information.  Your professors are little gold mines of assistance in your career.  They can help you with questions, build your networks and remind you of how capable you are of being a professional!  
  • Become best pals with career services.  Ask them about all of the ways they can help you in your career: resume reviews, mock interviews, etc.  Ask them if they offer reciprocity to job postings at other schools (this allows you to check out job postings at other schools without being an alum of them) – very helpful both now and in the future!!!
  • Get references.  Ask 3-5 people to be a reference.  Have them write a general letter of recommendation – and to make it easier for them, send them an example and have them tweak it or sign it for you.  People are honored to do this for others.  And do not forget to return the favor when you are a few decades into your career.
  • Update your resume.  Do it every season.  Add every single new skill you have learned or done in the past few months.  Go back through your emails or calendars to see what new things you have learned.  Even if you don’t have your “official” job yet, include the skills you are learning at your internship or seasonal job.
  • Join the Alumni Association.  Attend alum events.  Meet new people.  Take advantage of their discounts.  Get tickets to your favorite games.  Did I mention meeting new people?
  • Get a nice suit.  Make sure it is lined.  You can wear it for interviews or for getting a professional photo shoot.  It will truly make you stand taller and feel more confident.
  • Get a professional headshot.  Seriously.  It is worth its weight in gold.  Selfies are so cute, but let’s invest in a professional headshot.  Also, try not to crop out your friend’s arm in the photo either.  There are so many photographers accessible these days, it shouldn’t be hard to find someone to help you.  It will truly make you stand out in a terrific way.  
  • Join LinkedIn.  This is such a great resource.  Connect with as many people as you can – in non-creepy way.  As you interview for new jobs or meet new people, you can see if you have similar school experience or similar connections.  It can be a great conversation starter.  Also, they post jobs there, too!
  • Watch your social media.  Look at your social media posts with a critical eye.  Would your grandma hire you by what they saw?  Or your neighbor?  Make sure the settings are private if you don’t want your future or current employer to see what you do at 1am on a Saturday night.  It matters.  
  • Health Insurance.  Make sure you have some!!!   Check with your parent’s policy or see if you need to get some on your own or if your employer offers it to you.
  • Write thank you notes.  Thank your parents, siblings, grandparents, high school teachers, coaches, etc. for all of their support in your success in graduating!  It’s just the right thing to do.  

And most of all, have fun!!!   These first few years out of college are so rewarding.  Enjoy it!!  

For those of you who have already graduated, what ideas do you have for getting ready for college graduation?  We would love to hear from you!

Do YOU have tips you'd like to share with us or a topic you'd like to see us cover? CONTACT US and let us know! We'd love to hear from you!