Who is Darcy Miller?
There was absolutely nothing about my upbringing that would predict that I would become a successful lawyer who worked for and with Fortune 500 companies. I’m just an average Midwestern girl. My mom was a teacher and my dad was a plumber. They provided me with a terrific childhood. They taught me about values and work ethic and everything else parents are supposed to teach us. My dad always said, “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” I had no clue how much that little phrase would impact my entire life and career. It became the best lesson I’ve ever learned. Even though I had the most marvelous family, no one in my family was connected to the corporate world in any way. Yet, as a small child - I knew, I just knew - that I was destined to “make it” in the corporate world. You know - wear power suits (as a 10 year old, I thought these were coral double-breasted polyester suits) and help people (it sounds so good, but can feel so indirect sometimes) and make big decisions (probably way above my pay grade). So, I worked hard in school. Super, duper hard. But no matter how much I worked, I was never the smartest person, so I was scared of becoming mediocre. Terrified of it. After my first job, I quickly learned that I didn’t have to be the smartest person to get noticed at work. If I was kind, fun, resourceful and worked hard – then I would actually get promotions and raises and job offers for incredible organizations. It was the way I treated people – from the receptionist to the CEO. It was how I figured out what my boss actually needed and when/how to approach them. It was how I had fun, while still doing my job. It was how I drafted emails that were clear and actionable. It was that I said thank you.
But why had no one taught me these critical skills in school or even at my jobs?
I couldn’t believe that after spending 4 years in college and 3 years in law school – and spending well over $100,000 in higher education, that no one taught me these critical skills to a prosperous career. So, I did the next best thing, I started informally working with my colleagues to share these skills. It was so fun. It was making a difference in people’s lives. And it is exactly what inspired me to start this company.
Fast forward to today: I’m blessed with a fantastic legal career. I’m never, ever the smartest person in the room. I’ve got hundreds of close professional connections who would help me as much as I would help them. So go out there and be easy to work with, resourceful, respectful and work super, duper hard.** Every single day. It changed my life. And it can change yours. Imagine the Possibilities.
Professionalism is not being taught and certainly not being implemented. Well, we are going to change that. We will bring you tools, tips, checklists, podcasts, videos, songs (yes, songs!) and much more to add immediate and actual value to your career – and hopefully have some (okay – a lot of) fun in the meantime! Join me in changing this world. One smile at a time.
*Hi. I used to write disclosures for a living, so I love to read disclosures. And they are super important. You should read them, too. Anyway, this disclosure is to remind you of something incredibly important: It goes without saying (although, I guess I’ll say it), that no amount of professionalism will make up for a lack of functional skills for your job. You have to be able to complete the responsibilities of your job. Great. Thanks for reading this first, of many, disclosures.
** I’m so far from perfect. There are days that I am none of these things. But I truly try to be professional every single day, in every situation – even when I don’t want to be kind or nice or fun. I just hope that my professional legacy is that I tried my best – in every way.